
Cricket commentary publicity

Please include a Title for your News We ask that the News article copy is a minimum of 200 word count. Cricket commentary publicity Esteemed cricket broadcaster Jim Maxwell spoke in glowing terms abou ........

Any publicity is good publicity.

“Any publicity is good publicity.” An interview on Auckland radio station SENZ was a welcome surprise just before my first novel was published. Having met the shows host, Mark Watson at the Gold Coast ........

Good News The popular cricket website

Good News The popular cricket website “Stump to Stump” has boosted Australian sales by printing a chapter and including a link to buy online. A photo of the author holding the book produced 150 “likes ........

PRESS COVERAGE At last nights launch of “The Long Shot”

PRESS COVERAGE At last nights launch of “The Long Shot” there was a good attendance by members of the media. Rugby commentary legend Gordon Bray was an eloquent MC who engaged in a lively interview wi ........